In this article

Automated Scheduled Exports

One of the ways you can get data out of Reach is through scheduled automated exports from Reach which land in a Google Cloud Storage or Amazon S3 Bucket which can be accessed programmatically by engineers at an organization. The org’s data/tech team would then write some code to grab these exports and process them and merge them into VAN or Civis or Red Shift or any other database platforms the organization is using (you can find more information about other ways to get your data out of Reach here). Optionally, Reach can send an email notification with a link to download a new file every time one is generated.


Automated Scheduled Exports are only available to our Reach Movement subscribers and are especially well-suited to our larger organizations with their own tech teams. They are included in your Reach Movement subscription for no added cost if your provide your own Google Cloud Storage or Amazon S3 Bucket. We can provision a GCS bucket for you for an additional $10/month.

Format and Data Schemas

The exports will arrive as .csv files and will follow the exact same schema and column layout of our manual exports, described in detail in the Export Admin article.

Default Export Settings

  • Accessing Your Files: Your scheduled exports will be accessible manually or programmatically in a Google Cloud Storage Bucket called “{Organization Name}-reach-files”. The bucket will have an “Exports” directory in it with a subdirectory for each Campaign in your subscription named with the numerical “Campaign ID” number. Inside each campaign directory, there will be a directory for each export format in Reach. To get started, just let us know which google accounts (personal or service accounts) to give access to.
  • Export Frequency: Every night at 4am UTC, a new csv file of each export type will land in the bucket.
  • Export Filenames: These files will be timestamped in their filename so new files will appear next to existing files with new names.
  • Export Scope: The files for Users and Pipeline Transitions will be cumulative, containing all-time data per campaign. All other exports will included only new data from the past 24 hours.
  • File Expiration: If Reach hosts the bucket, files will remain in the bucket for 14 days and then be deleted. If you host it, expiration is based on your GCS bucket settings.
  • Email notifications: None by default

All of these default settings are customizable, including providing your own secure cloud storage bucket, changing file frequency, having files only include data from the last day instead of cumulative data, or omitting timestamps so there is only ever one file per type per campaign.

How to Get Started

Contact us to set up your automated scheduled exports. We will need to know if you’d like any adjustments to the above spec and whether you will be providing the bucket or you’d like us to provide it and add it to you subscription fee.

If you will be providing the bucket, please let us know which S3 service it is hosted on and the name of the bucket, the path of the bucket, and please add [email protected] to a GCS Bucket with storage.objectAdmin permissions or provide us (via a secure platform like onetimescret) with the key and secret key to an Amazon S3 Bucket with similar permissions.

If you’d like us to provide the bucket, please let us know which Google accounts to give access to.

If you would like email notifications when exports arrive, let us know the email address.

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