

Released August 22, 2023 in the App Store and Play Store

A picture is worth a thousand words, right? And who wants to send texts with thousands of words? No one. So instead, Reach now allows campaigns to add image attachments to their Network Contact Action Cards and Contact Scripts so these images will appears in your outgoing text messages and emails!

For Users


  • Image attachments on Contact Scripts and Network Contact Action Cards. You will see previews of attached images in the script previews and you can tap them to zoom in on them. Then, when you text or email the script, the image will be automatically included in your message. If you choose to share the message using another app, you’ll get a helpful guide so you can copy the message text first and paste it in the image sharing flow of that other app.
  • Voter Registration pipelines are now supported in: AK, AR, DC, DE, HI, KS, MS, SC, SD, UT, VT, WV, and WY.


  • We’ve made the Add Person form look a little neater.
  • You will now see the Contact Script Picker even if there is only one contact script of that type on your campaign.
  • Sometimes on the web app, if you refreshed the browser on the Home screen, it would quickly flash between the Feed tab and the Completed tab.
  • We’ve made the overlays behind our modals more consistently colored.

For Admins

  • Image attachments on Contact Scripts and Network Contact Action Cards.
  • For those who use the Reach API, there is a new endpoint that will let you invite users to your campaign. More here.
  • Some of the filters around admin screens were not making the correct options available to you, especially for user names.
  • We have adjusted the language in the Feature Block about My Network to more accurately reflect current features.

About Reach

Reach is a progressive technology start-up building tools for political campaigns, labor unions, non-profits, and activists around the united states. Read more about us here.

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