Release Notes


Released July 24, 2024 over the air

For Users


  • Inactive and Expired Content. Sometimes you have shared a piece of content for your campaign, but before you can leave feedback on it, is has disappeared! Oh no! Well, now that is fixed. Even if content is removed from the library by your campaign, you will still be able to see it and leave feedback on it if you had previously shared it or downloaded it.


  • Reach was crashing on iPad when uploading new content. This is fixed!

For Admins

Nothing in this version


Released July 9, 2024 over the air

Reach has always been great at helping your users canvass the people they meet by saving survey responses. But what about when you want to collect survey response data from those users themselves? Our new User Survey Action Cards allow you to do just that!

For Users


  • User Survey Action Cards. Tap into this new type of Action Card to directly open a set of Survey Questions. Respond to those questions as often as you like and earn Action Points each time you save a set of responses. Let your campaign know what you think!

For Admins


  • Create and manage User Survey Action Cards. You can choose from any Question Set you’ve made and ask the users those questions. This may or may not be an active question set which the users are also asking voters.
  • New “User Responses” export allows you to download data from the new User Survey Action Cards.
  • You can now see a User’s ID from the user drawer. How handy!


Released July 2, 2024 over the air

For Users


  • When tapping on a push notification telling you that you had been added to a new campaign, You would not always land in the campaign properly.
  • Some occasional crashes in chat are fixed.

For Admins


  • We’ve re-arranged the fields when creating or editing a Content Upload Action Card so it’s easier to see the label picker.
  • We’ve added some helper text to better explain image and video size limits when creating assets.


  • Editing and re-scheduling Push Notifications could sometimes lead to custom user targeting being lost.
  • Status filters were not working on the Assets admin screen.


Released May 23, 2024 in the App Store and Play Store

Content goes both ways, right?. Your campaign provides content to you and you provide content to them. Now, you can capture and upload videos (up to 3 mins long) and send them to your campaign. If your campaign approves them, they will be visible to everyone else on the campaign. Lights, Camera, Direct Action!

For Users


  • Video Uploads from the My Uploads screen in the content library and from Content Upload Action Cards.


  • On iOS, we are bit more specific with where we show the auto-complete bar above your keyboard. This should also improve performance.

For Admins

  • Review and approved user generated video content
  • Create Content Upload Action Cards which request videos. Videos may be able to 3 minutes long or 500 MB in file size.


Released May 20, 2024 over the air

For Users


  • Some campaigns can now be set so the Reach experience is entirely focused on content sharing. In this new mode, the Search Screen and My Reach Screen will be entirely hidden. In some cases, campaigns may not even have a bottom tab bar if they’re using Reach in such a way that involves only the home screen.


  • Layout issues on the tag picker on native.
  • Layout issues on the label contents screen on iPad.
  • When uploading content, Reach had been letting you select labels from different campaigns whose shared galleries your campaign was subscribed to.

For Admins


  • New clear buttons on date inputs in Safari makes it easier to clear date fields.


Released March 25, 2024 over the air

For Users


  • Support for users abroad! Just because you’re not currently living in the US, and maybe you don’t have a US phone number, doesn’t mean you don’t want to help save American democracy and power progressive victories! Now, users can sign up for Reach using international phone numbers and specify their country on their profile. You can also invite users to your campaign even if they have phone numbers with different dial codes.
  • User-Generated Content! Want to help your campaign fill up their Reach Content Library? If you are given permission by your campaign, you will now see a new “My Uploads” section of the library where you can upload your own images! You will give them a name and description and choose their labels. Then admins on your campaign will review them and pick ones to approve so everyone can see your amazing content!
  • Content Upload Action Cards. Now that you can upload content, why not do it via an Action Card? This is a quick way to give your campaign the content they’re asking for.


  • Address forms are now better at handling Puerto Rican zip codes.

For Admins


  • User Assets Screen. Use this new screen to review all the assets your users upload. You can click into each one, add a Suggested Post, assign it to a gallery, and approve it. If you don’t think the asset is a good fit for your campaign, you can easily reject it.
  • Support for International Users. You can now view and filter by country on the Users Admin Screen. You can also see international dial codes in phone numbers throughout the Users and Pending Invites screens.
  • Configure settings for User Generated Content. Which user roles can upload content? Which gallery should be the default destination for approved user generated content? Do you want to display a legal disclaimer for users who will be uploading content? Set it all up in the new “Content Library” feature block on the campaign settings screen and at the top of the Galleries screen.
  • Create Content Upload Action Cards. Specify labels. Force square crop.


  • Phone numbers which have been verified will now have a green check next to them on the Users screen just like email addresses.


Released February 27, 2024 over the air

For Users


  • Voter Registration Pipelines for Puerto Rico


  • Organization Logos were mis-aligned on the campaign directory landing pages on web.’
  • The Search Results filter window wasn’t accurately reflecting the state of your search filters or sort.
  • Tab switching on the home screen is back to being animated and is less likely to freeze.

For Admins


  • User Group Moderators. When editing a user group, you can now decide whether each user in the group should be just a member of the group, or a moderator of the group. Moderators have the ability to edit and delete messages of other users in the User Group’s chat channel.
  • Settable Role Permissions for Address and Contact Info Masking. Traditionally, it has been a hard-coded rule that privacy masking of addresses and contact info always applies to only basic Users. Now, from the campaign settings screen, you can decide which roles should see unmasked addresses and unmasked contact info.


  • Tighter spacing on the Asset Screen filters sidebar.


  • When you are trying to un-pin a gallery or label that had previously been pinned, Reach was making that difficult. Now it works just how you’d hope!
  • For new unpublished campaigns, the Publish button wasn’t always enabled when it was supposed to be.


Released February 8, 2024 in the App Store and Play Store

The Content Library just keeps getting better and betters, doesn’t it? With bookmarks, a new info popover, and the ability to have labels travel with shared galleries, all you content-sharers out there are in for a treat!

For Users


  • Content Library Bookmarks. You can bookmark any piece of content in the library and view all your bookmarked content from the new “My Bookmarks” screen.
  • Content Info Popover. When viewing a piece of content, you can tap the new info button to see more information about the content, including your sharing and downloading history on that piece of content.
  • When you are working in a campaign that subscribes to another campaign’s shared galleries, you will see any labels that are attached to the content in the shared gallery. If your campaign has labels with the same names, they will be merged seamlessly.


  • Any campaigns and orgs who have not uploaded logos will be displayed throughout the app as a colorful placeholder feature their first initial, rather than a Reach logo.
  • In the contact script picker, if a script has an image attachment, it will be shown above the script rather than below it.

For Admins

  • From the Users admin screen, you can now set any user, regardless of their role, as a chat moderator for all the chat channels they are a part of.
  • When viewing content reviews or share feedback on a specific asset, there is no longer an asset filter available. That didn’t make much sense now, did it?


Released January 3, 2024 over the air

For Users


  • On Android, some text formatting options within Action Card descriptions were causing the wrong font to be used.
  • Quick Filter toggle buttons are a little more responsive now.

For Admins


  • You can now limit your campaign’s list of Mobilize events to show only events pinned as “Highest Priority” in Mobilize or events owned by your organization.


  • You can now make Internal Link Action Cards which link to the various home screen tabs on your campaign. Plus, links that you share to the home screen will more reliably bring the person who clisk the link to the correct tab.


  • There were some bugs and odd behaviors on the Create/Edit Gallery from which we have squashed.
  • Cleaned up some messy styling on the corners of dialog box modals. You had to look really closely to notice it, but it’s fixed now!


Released December 20, 2023 over the air

It’s the holiday season, grinch hearts are growing three sizes, and sharing is caring, so welcome to the world of Shared Galleries in Reach. Now, when campaigns are making Galleries for the Reach Content Library, they can choose to share those Galleries with other campaigns in their organization, a specific list of other campaigns, or even all of Reach! Then, admins can browse all the shared galleries their campaign has access to and choose to add some to their Content Library so their users can interact with that Gallery and the content within it just like it was their own. Admins on both the campaign who owns the Gallery and the campaign where the interactions are happening will be able to see and learn from the Content Reviews, Share Feedback, and Content Actions.

For Users


  • Shared Galleries are now visible in the Content Library if your campaign admins have added them to your campaign. You can tell a Gallery is a Shared Gallery by the banner displaying the campaign name at the bottom of the thumbnail.


  • In the Content Library’s “Recent Content” and “Galleries” lists, items will no longer float to the top of the list just because they are “new” and unseen. Previously, if you looked at a “new” item that was at the top of your list, then tapped back to the gallery, it might have shuffled to a different place in the list since it was no longer “new”. Now, these lists will always be order by when the item was last updated, regardless of whether it is new to you or not.


  • For the past month or so, Users who started using Reach on iOS were not getting an option to turn on Push Notifications. That is now fixed and any of those users who have never been asked about push notifications permissions will be asked next time they launch the app.

For Admins


  • New Shared Galleries Admin screen lets you browse all available Shared Galleries, see a preview of what is in them, and add some to your campaign.
  • You can now see a users’ My Campaign VAN ID in the User drawer, if they have been synced to My Campaign.
  • You can now set your campaign’s default home screen tab from the Home Screen section of the Campaign Settings screen.


  • On the Content Reviews, Share Feedback, and Actions lists, you can now customize the column visibility and order, and turn on a new Campaigns column to let you see when actions or feedback came from users on other campaigns via Shared Galleries.
  • When editing Galleries you can now set Sharing preferences.


  • The “File Upload” label in Action Cards Default Template Library modal’s filter drop-down is better.
  • The Layout of the Action Card creation form’s Push Notification toggle is better.
  • The placeholder of the Labels thumbnail image is now the correct aspect ratio.
  • Action Card Default Template Library browser windows were looking a bit messy when there were no templates to browse. Now they look neat.