

Released November 9, 2023 over the air

For Users


  • The bottom bar in the Content Viewer has been redesigned to include a new option: Content Reviews! Now you can leave reviews of each piece of content with a thumbs-up or a thumbs-down and a comment to let your campaign know what you think of the content they’re providing. That same bottom bar will also indicate if you’ve already reviewed or downloaded a piece of content.
  • At the top of the Library screen, you’ll see a new button for My Sharing History that lets you see a running list of every piece of content you have shared or downloaded. From there, you can then leave Share Feedback for each of your shares! Did your share go viral? Answer a few quick questions to let your campaign know how the sharing went and even provide a link to your social media post so they can check it out and maybe amplify it.
  • If you tap to “See All” Recent Content, you’ll see a new “…” menu in the top right of that list. Tap there and you can “Mark All As Seen” to clear ALL “new” indicators from this campaign’s content so you can get a clean slate.
  • Every evening, if you’ve shared any content the previous day, you’ll get a Push Notification from Reach reminding you to leave feedback for those shares.
  • In the Campaign Settings window’s Notifications section, you’ll have a new toggle switch to turn on or off Content Feedback Reminder push notifications per campaign.


  • On the Action Feed tab, when your action cards are loading, you should now see a loader animation rather than a message that there are no action cards.


  • The hover tooltips for Content Viewer action buttons on web were sometimes obstructed by the content itself. They’re now back on top where they belong.

For Admins


  • New Content Reviews admin screen lets you see all the pre-sharing reviews your users have left about content.
  • New Share Feedback admin screen lets you see all the post-sharing feedback your users have left about content and links you to their posts when provided.
  • On the Asset editor, there are Content Reviews and Share Feedback tabs, and the Actions tab now has expandable sections detailing any share feedback that has been provided from each Share or Download action.


  • Your Contact Feedback Export contains a bunch of new fields to provide you with all the data from the newly-launched Content Feedback features. More about export and BQ mirror data schema changes here.

About Reach

Reach is a progressive technology start-up building tools for political campaigns, labor unions, non-profits, and activists around the united states. Read more about us here.

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