

Released May 20, 2024 over the air

For Users


  • Some campaigns can now be set so the Reach experience is entirely focused on content sharing. In this new mode, the Search Screen and My Reach Screen will be entirely hidden. In some cases, campaigns may not even have a bottom tab bar if they’re using Reach in such a way that involves only the home screen.


  • Layout issues on the tag picker on native.
  • Layout issues on the label contents screen on iPad.
  • When uploading content, Reach had been letting you select labels from different campaigns whose shared galleries your campaign was subscribed to.

For Admins


  • New clear buttons on date inputs in Safari makes it easier to clear date fields.

About Reach

Reach is a progressive technology start-up building tools for political campaigns, labor unions, non-profits, and activists around the united states. Read more about us here.

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