

Released April 6, 2020

Introducing: Home Screen and Action Cards!

Since we’re all working virtually for our organizations for now, we’re rolling out even more features to turn Reach into your digital organizing space. Your app can now feature a Home Screen where you can see different action items you can do right now to help your organization fight for progressive change. Your campaign can fully customize the whole Action Card, from the title and icon to linking those cards to external links, or different screens within the Reach app. They might set up an action card to sign up to phone or text bank, build your Network in Reach, and more – the possibilities are endless!

For Users

  • Home Screen. When you load the Reach app, instead of going straight to the Search screen, you’ll now go to your brand-spanking-new Home Screen! Once your admins have set it up, you’ll see a list of action items you can do right now to support your campaign or organization. These action items can link to places outside of Reach, as well as within the app. Read more about the home screen here.
  • Send Contact Script Messages In-App (iOS only). When you’re sending a text or email from Reach, instead of fully bouncing out to your phone’s texting or email app, you’ll see a pop-up version of that app right on top of Reach. Once you send the message, you’re still in Reach and can get right back to organizing!
  • You can now swipe down to collapse the keyboard in chat, instead of just tapping above it.
  • A few tweaks to make the app look even prettier, like making your campaign logos bigger, and displaying the time a chat message was sent at the top of the message instead of the bottom.
  • When using Contact Scripts on an Android device, sometimes messages were not correctly populating in certain third-party SMS apps. We fixed that right up.
  • If you’re Reaching for multiple campaigns, your chat push notifications in your web browser will now tell you which campaign the chat message is from. Previously it would always show you the name of your current active campaign.
  • On web, it’s easier to see who has added a reaction to a message in chat because we’ve made the tooltip wider.
  • Long contact script names will now wrap to multiple lines so they’re still fully readable.
  • Fixed a rare crash that would occur if you tried to type-to-filter response options in a survey question drop-down menu where one of the response options had no name.

For Admins

  • Action Cards Admin. This is a shiny new Admin screen where you can create action cards for your beautiful Home Screen. You can customize the text at the top of your home screen, the icon, title, and text for each Action Card, and set them to link to a screen in Reach or an external link. You can even choose to pin Action Cards to the top of the list in the Home Screen, as well as personalize them with the user’s name using templating. Read more about setting up Action Cards here.
  • Home Screen Options in Campaign Settings Admin Screen. You’ll now find a new section on the Campaign Settings screen allowing you to turn the Home Screen on or off and decide what greeting text to display at the top to your users.
  • Add a Logo. If you’re on Reach Complete, you can now display your logo in-app on the Home screen and Search screen! Load it in your Organization details in the Admin dashboard.
  • Since iOS users now send their text/emails in a pop-up instead of fully outside of Reach, your contact actions export will only include actions that the user action followed through on and clicked send on the SMS or email. You’ll see the script they use when they send a message in your Contact Actions export.
  • There was a bug where Reach Admins weren’t always assigned as chat moderators for channels with > 100 users. We fixed that right up.
  • We adjusted the admin side bar so you can always see the bottom section to collapse the sidebar or exit admin.
  • Other small bug fixes and tweaks.

About Reach

Reach is a progressive technology start-up building tools for political campaigns, labor unions, non-profits, and activists around the united states. Read more about us here.

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