Release Notes


Released January 11, 2023 in the App Store and Play Store

Mostly small bug fixes, performance improvements, and paving the way for things to come.

For Users


  • The animations in and out of action cards are now smoother and prettier.
  • If you’re using an iPad with a very large text magnification setting, some Reach screen will not expand to be more usable.
  • The offline mode banner was sometimes creating empty space above it.

For Admins

  • The “Tag State” export is now available via Exports Admin


Released November 22, 2022 over the air

For Users

  • Push Notifications from Reach Chat will now be dismissed more reliably when you see the content the messages they were about. No more needing to manually swipe away Reach notifications that have been piling up.
  • The Icon badge count on the Reach app (on iOS) and in the bottom tab bar in Reach will now be more reliable.
  • The Image Upload widget that lets you set and change your profile pic will now work better for users with very large text zoom settings on their phone.
  • When arriving on the Person Screen, Reach should do a better job of keeping you on the tab you want to be on.

For Admins

  • It is now possible to control which roles of users can invite other users to your campaign. Find this new setting in the “Privacy Settings” box on the Campaign Settings Screen.
  • It is now possible to disable the full-campaign “Team Chat” channel while keeping the other features of Reach Chat enabled, like User Group channels and DMs.


Released November 1, 2022 over the air

For Users

  • Filter to Only People with ALL Tags –  What do you do when you only want to see the people in your network that have a specific combination of tags (like “Democrat” AND “Not Yet Voted”)? Tap the Filter button on the Network screen or within a Network Contact Action Card and you’ll now see a toggle to “Show only people with all tags” which will filter your network down to the people who have ALL of the tags you select from the list of tag filters. 
  • Crashes when switching tabs on the Person screen
  • Crashes on Android during login and on Campaign Directory landing pages with videos
  • In the user drawer, the footer text wasn’t scrolling properly and was sometimes covering the Log Out button on phones with large zoom settings.
  • Email Contact Actions on Android were not properly being confirmed or recorded

For Admins

  • When adding tag filters to Action Cards, you can now specify that the filter should only show people who have all the selected tags applied.
  • Email Contact Actions on Android were not properly being confirmed or recorded


Released October 25, 2022 over the air

For Users

  • You can now type-to-filter your Network by address, phone number, and email address!
  • On mobile web, the tutorial slides at the beginning of Contact Import had a broken layout.
  • When viewing the Person Screen from within an Action Card or Contact Import some features weren’t working properly, like navigating to household search result or opening the Contact Info Actions menu on web.
  • We will now more reliably display up-to-date Survey Questions when you’re creating Reach Adds.

For Admins

  • It is now possible to set the Filters you add to a Network Contact action card to be hidden and un-editable by users.
  • When choosing filters for Action Cards, you will now more reliably see recently-created tags without refreshing the page.


Released October 20, 2022 over the air

For Users

  • It is easier to re-customize a customized script on a Network Contact Action Card without having to reset it first.
  • Better Screen Reader compatibility on the Search screen inputs

For Admins

  • It is now possible to set tags as “Network-Only” so they are only visible for voters in a user’s network. This is designed to help with Randomized Control Trials where you may not want users to see if a voter is tagged in your control or treatment group until after they have added them to their Network.


Released October 18, 2022 over the air

For Users


  • During contact import, on the results screen, we are now sorting with the Great Matches at the top of the list, sorted alphabetically, followed by the other contacts with matches, sorted from fewest matches to most, followed by the contacts without matches.
  • During contact import, we were sometimes failing to show certain contacts as having Great Matches on the results screen, even when they actually did have some.
  • On web, skipping the contact import tutorial will bring you all the way to the Google Sign-in Screen.
  • We have increased the size of the Add Tag icon a bit.
  • We were using the wrong icon for Great Matches
  • We have fixes some crashes during contact import, especially for users who may have deleted contacts in their phone.
  • The Chat Info Screen layout was messed up when opening the keyboard to filter members.
  • Users on iPad would see a black background during contact import

For Admins

  • Creating contacts scripts from templates or cloning existing contact scripts was throwing an error.


Released October 13, 2022 over the air

For Users


  • New and Improved Contact Import Experience! After hearing some awesome feedback and suggestions from you all over the past years, we are so excited to deliver some big improvements to the Contact Import user experience:
    • More clear instructions when starting contact import
    • A progress bar to track your work and straightforward buttons to select more contacts or pause and resume later.
    • After the initial search, you’ll now see all your contacts in order with the ability to filter them down to just the ones with matches, just the ones still To Do, etc.
    • When you have a contact in your phone whose name AND phone number match a voter in the voter file, this will now be surfaced as a “Great Match”. You will see which contacts have Great Matches right on the results screen and those Great Matches will be shown at the top of the list on the Matching screen. This should be a major improvement when matching contacts with common names in states where the voter file phone numbers are half decent.
    • At the top of the Matching screen, you’ll now see your original contact to make matching easier.
    • If you try to add a contact as a Reach Add, Reach will show you a warning making sure you understand the down-sides of doing so. Keep in mind that as of the last release, it is also now possible for campaigns to disable the ability to create Reach Adds within the Contact Import process.
    • For each potential match, you can now see their tags and any existing relationship you have with them. You can control what you see with a new Refine screen.
    • From each match, you can tap a new Expand button to see their full Person Screen.
    • On large screens, the contact import flow will now take place in a smaller pop-up window, making it easier to use.
  • We are now limiting the size of Network a given user can have to 3000 people. If you try to add person 3001, you will not be able to. We suggest keeping Networks under 1000 people for optimal performance.
  • Some Mobilize events without time slots could crash Reach.
  • Action Cards with very long URLs in their body contents could make the layout stretch too wide so words were cut-off on web.

For Admins

  • You can now use current Survey Responses as a basis for Smart Tag criteria! So you can make a smart tag that shows on anyone who is a 1 or 2, or a smart tag that shows on anyone who hasn’t answered your primary survey question yet. Go nuts!


Released October 11, 2022 over the air

For Users

  • Reach will now better adapt to campaigns with no tags.

For Admins

  • You can now assign contact scripts to be visible only to members of specific user groups.


Released October 5, 2022 over the air

For Users


  • Chat Info Screen. You can now tap on the Channel Name at the top of the Chat screen to see Channel Info. You can edit the name/image of a group DM, adjust notification settings for chat, and see a list of all channel members. You can even launch DMs with a member from that member list.
  • You can long-press on any message in chat to start a new DM with that user.
  • You can now sort the My Network screen by last name
  • We have increased the font size of the Customize Script button on Network Contact Action cards.
  • Sometimes, the app could freeze up when switching campaigns from the My Network screen.
  • When creating a Reach add and adding them to your Network, they would sometimes appear twice in your Network.
  • Long User Group names could mess up the layout of the User Group Directory

For Admins

  • You have more control over the Reach Add feature with the new ability to turn it off only during Contact Import. This will let users still create Reach Adds from the Search Results screen but not when importing and matching their contacts.


Released September 22, 2022 over the air

For Users


  • DMs and Group DMs in Chat! You can now start direct messages to one or several other folks on your campaign. For group DMs, you can set a name and image for the chat.
  • Customize the Scripts on Network Contact Action Cards! When looking at the details view of a Network Contact Action Card, you’ll now see a “Customize” button next to the script so you can make tweaks to the message to put it in your own voice, and save those changes. Then, when you’re sending the message to your friends, we’ll use your customized version!
  • User Group Directory lets you browse all public user groups in your Campaign. You can see how many members are in each group, join groups you’re not in, and leave groups you are in. You can find the User Group directory on the Campaign Action menu (tap the gear on the campaign drawer) or in the User Drawer (tap your user profile pic in the top right).
  • Voter Reg Reminder Push Notification counts were sometimes one day off.
  • You can no longer create contact info with no label and if you somehow do, it won’t crash the app.

For Admins

  • You can now choose a Default User Role so all new users on your campaign can automatically be Verified Users. Adjust this in Campaign Settings.
  • User Group Privacy, and Images. Now you can set an image for each user group and decide whether each group should be Public or Private. Public groups will appear in the user-facing User Group Directory.
  • You can now make Internal Link action cards that directly open Contact Import (without the user needing to go to My Reach and find the Import button) or the new User Group Directory.
  • When canceling from a Create or Edit form, you’ll no longer get a browser alert asking if you’re sure. Cancel away!
  • There were issues adding and removing user from user groups with more than 25 members.
  • Right after adding a new user to your campaign, if you clicked on them in Users Admin, you could get a crash.
  • For some campaigns, certain fields were missing from the Smart Tag Criteria picker. They should now be back!