Release Notes


Released September 7, 2022 over the air

For Users


  • The rankings screen is now more aware off campaign feature settings and will hide the options for leaderboards which do not apply to your campaign.
  • You’ll now get push notifications in the morning to remind you of any voter registration reminders you have due.
  • In Chat, link previews look better
  • In Chat, line spacing is more consistent for messages that being with @ mentions.

For Admins

  • There was a bug preventing the creation of new My Campaign integrations
  • The Campaign Key Drawer was showing user group IDs instead of names
  • The Publish tooltip on the Campaign Settings screen was mis-aligned


Released August 25, 2022 in the App Store and Play Store

Reach Chat just got a whole lot more exciting. We now offer multi-channel chat!

For Users


  • Multi-Channel Chat! Now, each user group can get their own chat channel. You’ll be able to chat with your crew working on specific parts of the campaign or in specific areas. Why spend time in Slack when you can spend time in Reach? Amiright?
  • Blocking users in chat. Is another use on the campaign just too much? You can now block users and their messages will be hidden for you.
  • On Android, the push notification icon has been fixed.

For Admins

  • You can now turn chat channels on or off for each user group.


Released August 23, 2022 in the App Store and Play Store

Mostly small bug fixes, performance improvements, and paving the way for things to come.

For Users


  • You can now use the Message contact action button even if the person has no phone numbers saved, allowing you to send the message with another app on your phone.
  • On Android, offline mode detection was not always working
  • On Web, in short browser windows, the rankings drop-down could be hidden behind the bottom nav bar
  • Contacts Scripts in the picker were not being sorted alphabetically
  • Paging through several pages of My History could lead to laggy performance and messed-up renders.

For Admins

  • In survey questions admin, the toggle switches for a Numerical Scale question could be inaccurate in some cases.


Released August 4, 2022 over the air

For Users

  • Done with Reach forever? We hate to see you go, but you can now delete your account from the User Profile screen.
  • After every contact action, you’ll now see a green banner notification to let you know it was recorded successfully.
  • After you finish importing your contacts, you’ll now see a more helpful screen celebrating your success! There’s even confetti!
  • Added voter registration pipelines for IN and OK.
  • We’re now truncating long campaign names in the header so they display better.
  • On the Network Screen, your filter and sort will be reflected in the URL
  • It was sometimes possible to get stuck on a blank white screen after creating your account.
  • The Contact Info “More” menu popper will now close more reliably after you take action.

For Admins

  • The tooltip for the Mobilize integration filter field now more clearly explains that you can leave the field blank to show all Mobilize events.


Released June 13, 2022 over the air

We know how important it is to get folks to your events, and if Reach is going to serve as your digital organizing hub, events are a key part of that. With this version, we’re introducing our brand new Mobilize integration which allows you to surface your events directly on the Reach home screen!

For Users

  • Send Congrats messages once a new voter registration is complete and reconciled.
  • New Voter Registration leaderboards on Rankings Screen
  • We’re now truncating long campaign names in the header so they display better.
  • On the Network Screen, your filter and sort will be reflected in the URL
  • The close button from the Action Card Details screen was sometimes doubled-up.

For Admins

Nothing in this version.


Released May 18, 2022 over the air

We know how important it is to get folks to your events, and if Reach is going to serve as your digital organizing hub, events are a key part of that. With this version, we’re introducing our brand new Mobilize integration which allows you to surface your events directly on the Reach home screen!

For Users

  • Mobilize Integration. Browse and share your campaign’s events right from the Reach home screen.
  • We’ve adjusted the sorting in the Voter Registration Pipeline picker.
  • After adding a new person with contact information and starting to register them to vote, some of the contact methods were not available when they should have been.
  • When downloading and offline data set, it could get stuck at 100%
  • Up-voting contact info was not working properly.
  • On Android, there was empty space at the top of the home screen on campaigns with no logo.

For Admins

  • Mobilize Integration. Show events on the Reach home screen by just entering your Mobilize Organization ID and turning on the integration. You can also set up default event type filters. Learn more here.
  • Voter Registration features can now be toggled on and off from Campaign Settings Admin.


Released May 2, 2022 over the air

For Users

  • Voter Registration now supports “Due Dates” for steps that really need to be done after a certain number of days for legal reasons.
  • You can now see people you’ve added while offline even before you come back online and they sync. You can also edit them, register them to vote, etc.
  • The home screen and its animated sub-header should now be faster and smoother. Note that the “Greeting Text” is no longer shown.
  • Reach used to crash when you tried to view a person from a different campaign. Now this is handled more gracefully.
  • Zip code is now properly required when adding a new person.
  • In some cases, after editing a person’s address or adding tags, when you closed the modal, it might appear that the change had not saved.
  • If a voter registration instance is not created successfully, the app now reflects that correctly.

For Admins

Nothing in this version


Released April 22, 2022 in the App Store and Play Store

Fasten your seatbelts, because we’re about to fly into the future – distributed Voter Registration is now available directly in Reach! Registering voters is a core part of many organizing programs, whether it’s nonpartisan outreach or a progressive electoral campaign. We’re bringing you a fully integrated voter registration experience in which registering voters is now a seamless part of your in-person canvassing or relational organizing work.

Whenever an organizer creates a Reach Add in a Reach campaign that has voter registration enabled, they’ll see a brand new option to register that person to vote. Depending on the US State the voter is in, the organizer will see different registration options that are legally available in their state. Reach will then guide users through a “Choose Your Own Adventure” style step-by-step registration pipeline. Organizers can also go back to previously created Reach Adds and start those voter registrations too! When Reach gets the latest voter file update from your data source, we’ll automatically reconcile all submitted registrations against the voter file and let you know who’s registered so you can bring those newly registered voters into your GOTV plan.

In addition to this game-changing upgrade, we’ve also brought in a few other changes to the Campaign Directory, plus various improvements and bug fixes.

For Users

  • Register voters directly in Reach! Whenever you’re creating a Reach Add, if your campaign has enabled voter registration, you can start registering that person to vote. This comes with two new screens to track your progress:
    • On the Person Profile screen for Reach Adds, there’s a new tab for Voter Registration where you can start registering someone to vote, as well as track that person through the registration process by completing steps and sending reminders.
    • In My Reach, there’s a new Voter Registration tab where you can see every single person you’re registering to vote, along with detailed information on the status of that registration, the registration type you’re using (like paper forms versus an online form), plus options to send reminders to voters who need to complete part of their registration.
  • On the Campaign Directory landing pages, you can now easily see which other campaigns are in the same organization or linked to the campaign you’re viewing.
  • We’ve added a confirmation modal when you remove someone from your network to make it more difficult to do this by accident.
  • On Android, the status bar text was sometimes he wrong color. Status bar spacing should be more consistent on Android

For Admins

  • You can now enable Voter Registration in your Reach campaign! Just email [email protected] to request turning on this brand new feature.
  • The new VR feature means you’re getting two new exports to track all this progress:
    • Pipeline Instances: This export includes one row for each of your users’ voter registration pipeline instances. Each time they begin the registration of a new voter, that is considered an “instance” of a pre-defined “pipeline”. The pipelines themselves are maintained by Reach but the instances are created and updated by your users as they use the app. Instances give you a good overview of your voter registration work as a snapshot in time. For more detailed reporting, you’ll want to combine this export with the Pipeline Transitions export as well.
    • Pipeline Transitions: This export will give you a detailed look at the granular user activity on your voter registration pipelines. A pipeline “transition” is the user action that moved a pipeline from one state to the next. If a user indicates in Reach that they handed someone a voter registration, collected that form, and then submitted it at the county office, that was three separate pipeline transitions. This export lets you see all of them.
  • On the user groups list, it is now more clear which groups were created via our API.
  • Date inputs on smart tag criteria builder have been improved.
  • We’ve made a more explicit “Warning” message about setting per-User Group question set visibility rules.
  • Making edits in admin more reliably updates the Updated On timestamp of various objects.


Released March 8, 2022 over the air

For Users

  • When you’re on Android of web, we now ask you to confirm that you’ve completed contact actions like sending a text or an email. On all platforms we ask you to confirm that you’ve made a phone call. This will help your campaign better keep track of the work you’re doing on their behalf.
  • Shrunk the size of the back arrow on the Campaign Directory screen to make it look better.
  • We’ve made the contact action buttons on the person screen a little larger and easier to tap.
  • The color gradient under numerical scale questions was no aligned properly so you were not able to see the whole thing.
  • The divider on the Network screen quick filter bar was sometimes showing when it wasn’t needed.

For Admins

  • You can now set up Question Set visibilities per user group from User Groups admin.
  • You can now type to filter by phone number on the Users and Pending Invites admin screens.
  • When you open a side drawer in admin, we now auto-focus the first input and have better keyboard accessibility in the drawer.
  • The Save button while editing campaign keys was always disabled.
  • We eliminated some extra spacing on the campaign settings admin screen.


Released February 24, 2022 over the air

For Users

  • We now prevent you from entering dashes in your authentication code.
  • For people with more than one phone number, you were unable to select the second one when inviting them to join your campaign.

For Admins

  • Link Campaign Keys to User Groups
  • Reach Basics campaigns now have access to the Pending Invites admin screen!
  • You can no longer start or end your campaign name with space.
  • When you rename your campaign, it will update the breadcrumb bar at the top of the screen right away.
  • For Basics campaigns, the lack of user groups is more smoothly accounted for on the user admin drawer.