In this article

User Roles and Permissions

There are four user roles available in Reach. Each has slightly different permissions. Some permissions are hard-coded and fixed, and some other permissions are adjustable on the Campaign Settings admin screen.

Below, you’ll find information about each of the roles and what they can and can’t do.


Regular users are typically what someone starts off as when they are added to a campaign. They can search voters, record responses, and view all main screens in the app. They cannot access admin features.

Verified Users

Verified Users are just like regular users, except you can customize certain features of Reach to be available only to Verified Users. See the table below for details.


Admins are just like you! They can access the admin sections of the app from a desktop web browser.


Owners are just like admins but they cannot be removed or downgraded by an admin.

Default Role Assignment

One most Reach campaigns, the default role for every new user is just “User”. From the Campaign Setting Admin screen, you can change the Default User Role to be Verified User if you like.

Permissions Table

Adjustable permissions

The following feature’s permission levels can be adjusted by Admins/Owners:

Invite Users

By default, all users can invite other users to your Reach campaign by phone number. As soon as someone makes a Reach account with that phone number, they will be automatically added to your campaign. If there already is a Reach account for that phone number, they will be added to your campaign immediately. On the Campaign Settings screen, you can limit which of your users can invite other users, and customize the default script that users will text someone when inviting them.

View All Responses

With this set at a given permission level, any users without those roles will only be able to see responses that they have personally gathered. To make sure everyone has access to the most up-to-date responses, keep this set to “All users”.

See full unmasked addresses for people you didn’t add

Reach will apply privacy masking to addresses for any users who cannot see full addresses. This removes the house numbers and unit numbers. Users who see masked addresses will also be unable to edit addresses. By default, Verified Users and up can see full addresses.

See full unmasked contact information

Reach will apply privacy masking to phone numbers and email addresses for any users who cannot see full contact info. These users will be unable to view or use contact info that is masked. All users can view full contact info that they added themselves. By default, Verified Users and up can see full contact info.

View Rankings

You can decide who gets to even see the Rankings screen at all. By default, all user roles can see the Rankings screen.

View Rankings Totals

You can decide who gets to see the “Campaign Totals” row on Rankings screen. By default, all user roles can see the Totals row on the Rankings screen.

See the My Upload screen in the Library to be able to upload content

By default, all users can see the My Uploads screen and upload content. Even if you make this more restrictive, you could still let some users upload content by creating a Content Upload action card.

Chat moderation privileges

All Admins and Owners are always moderators for any chat channel they are in on the campaign, but you can also designate individual users are moderators for the whole campaign or for specific user groups they are in.

Hard-coded permissions

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Add and save Contact Info✔️✔️✔️✔️
Add Relationships✔️✔️✔️✔️
Invite new users as User✔️✔️✔️✔️
Invite new users as Verified User✔️✔️✔️
Invite new users as Admin✔️✔️
Invite new users as Owner✔️
Remove/Edit Role of User or Verified User✔️✔️
Remove/Edit Role of Admin✔️✔️
Remove/Edit Role of Owner✔️
Access Admin Dashboard✔️✔️
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Add/Edit/Delete Tags✔️✔️
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Add/Edit/Delete Contact Scripts✔️✔️
Add/Edit/Delete Library Assets, Galleries, and Labels✔️✔️
See, Approve, and Reject User Assets✔️✔️
Add/Edit/Delete Integration Instances✔️✔️
Add/Edit/Delete Action Cards✔️✔️
Add/Edit/Delete User Groups✔️✔️
Add/Edit/Delete Offline Data Sets✔️✔️
Send/Schedule Push Notifications✔️✔️
Edit Campaign Settings✔️✔️
Generate/Delete Campaign Keys✔️✔️

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